International Living Ultimate Go Overseas Bootcamp 2025

As a subscriber to International Living, I have been watching their in-person event schedule for several years now.  I haven’t attended any yet, but this year I am seriously considering the Ultimate Go Overseas Bootcamp, being held August 30 – September 1, 2025 in Portland, OR.

Just a quick drive down from the Seattle area, where I live, and the only IL in-person event of its kind held in the U.S. this year, the bootcamp draws a crowd of interested folks considering living abroad either part or full time.

As International Living describes:

  • diversify your portfolio,
  • save on your taxes,
  • better protect your privacy,
  • live better for less day-to-day,
  • and give you increased flexibility in the way you travel, invest, and retire.

So let me know your thoughts – should I attend? I’d love to see some of you there!

About Laura

Traveler Blogger Fur Baby Mom Extreme Longevity Advocate Urban Pagan